Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is there anyone out there afraid of wasps? I am terrified of them.?

I wouldn't say that I am terrified of wasps, but I can tell you that I abhor them. I am afraid of them even though they are so small, but that buzzing and hovering over my food and beer outside the pub is horrible.
I was alright with them when I was younger, but this changed when I was about 20 years old, after I was stung on the neck whilst driving the car. I panicked like hell and nearly ran into the side of a bus turning left.
Since that day I keep well away from them.
Yes, and I'm also afraid of Nazis too. I'm afraid of the Russians too. Even the peopel from Nicaragua and Panama frighten me.
me 2 and also bees!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I hate bugs, but definatly they are scary!
i used to freak every one out when i was at school by putting polos in my palm and having loads of wasp on it, never got stung.
yes.. they hurt when they sting
Use a net on your windows.
The only good wasp is a dead wasp. Having been zapped behind the ear (4 years later my right ear still isn't back to normal) I kill the little swines on sight, spray can in one hand - rolled up newspaper in the other.
yes, me!!! i hate all bugs! wouldnt hurt em but still dont want em near me!
Yep I have what is probably a silly irrational fear of them and they make me panic when I see/hear one! I'm 23 and I still run away from them! Never been stung which probably makes it worse because I don't know what to expect. Oh well at least I keep my friends entertained in the summer.
No they're ok.
absolutely! If I see a wasp or a bee I duck so low I practically hit the floor. You just have to make yourself stay still and they won't bother you. (but believe me, it's not easy)
Pl. try Rock Rose, Bach Flower Essence (since you used the word terrified). To know more about Bach Flower Essences (also called as Bach Flower Remedies), go to:

me too...and yellow jackets too
Yes I am I have been stung by a wasp when I was younger thats why I am so scared of them now absolutely hate them.

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