Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Laproscopic appendectomy?

I am scheduled to have an appendectomy on Tuesday. I am wondering what to expect. I have never had surgery before and am somewhat nervous. I am also wondering if there is a possibility of complications because I am overweight.
Laproscopic surgery is not scary at all! I had it a few years ago, and was back on my feet and running around the house the same day. You're suppose to take it easy - but I felt THAT good! The worst part was I had trouble with nausea as the general wore off. Otherwise, you'll be healed before you know it, and should just have a few tiny scars (I have three, barely noticable - one in belly button!). Good luck! It'll be ok.
Hey, Laproscopic Apendectomy is EASY!!

i had the old fashioned kind, where they make a 4 inch incision and cut away... But nonetheless, it is a standard procedure that doctors perform every day all across the nation.

The laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgical technique involves making several tiny cuts in the abdomen and inserting a miniature camera and surgical instruments. IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR WEIGHT IS ;)

Lap. Apendect. is the way to go!

The main advantages are:
Less post-operative pain
Faster recovery and return to normal activity
Shorter hospital stay
Less post-operative complications
Minimally sized incisions/scars

Preoperative tests may be ordered depending upon your medical condition and the type of anesthesia planned for your surgery.
The surgery is usually performed in an emergency basis.
Blood tests, electrocardiogram (EKG) or chest x-ray may be ordered.
Ask for extra help at home after surgery.

Since this is your first surgery, you may be kinda scared. But worry not, these are professionals doing the work! It is a common surgery, and not easy to mess up. Ask the doctors any questions you have! And it helps if you listen to the nurses after surgery- they get that from every other patient, too. Smile, pretend like they're your friend, and relax.
there is nothing to wory about it
it will be 4 small incisions
very rare complications
You'll be fine. My friend went though one a few years ago and had her gallbladder removed at the same time. And hers was an emergency surgery. She too is overweight, but that didn't cause any problems. She did throw up afterwords from the anesthesia, but her whole family has problems with that stuff. And she healed up fairly quick, too. As yours is scheduled and not a rush job everything should just fine. Good luck.

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