Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jet lag/lack of sleep... how to cure?

I have not been travelling, but it's a while it seems I'm living on someone else's time zone... 8 hours over. People go to sleep at 10-11 pm... I can't seem to sleep until 7-8 am, and that's when I have to get up, which makes me sleepless or crashing by 3 pm (and I can't seem to stay awake, even though I try really hard).
Any idea how to fix this thing?
Unfortunately the only way through this is to force yourself up until 10 pm it's hard i know i'm in the same boat as i've just came off night shift, but go out for a jog and have a shower just don't get comfortable till about ten and you will be adjusted, good luck it sux i know but it's only one day of adjustment i need to do it alot.
When it reaches 10pm have the biggest joint you have ever had, OR get totally pissed. By the time you wake up it will be morning!

Taa Daa!! yes yes I know i have cured your problem.
take a week off from work and rest the whole time, your body clock will adjust itself
i know this isn't maybe the best way, but have you tried taking something to help you sleep? i have gotten my sleep screwed up if i stay up late or even all night. it can just be one night, but then i seem messed up for days. so i got some stuff to help me sleep and took it an hour before i wanted to go to sleep, make sure you have eight hours to sleep - that way the medicine has a chance to work itself out of your system and you don't feel groggy the next day. don't let yourself take a nap the next day! then hopefully you can go to sleep on your own the next day! i know this may sound simple, but it is what works for me!
I have heard it said by those who do the transatlantic flights that boosting the amount of carbohydrates you eat before and during a journey reduces jetlag and also drinking more water and abstaining from alcohol helps. It is possible in USA to get tablets for jetlag but they are not available over the counter in the UK.

I have personally found that the secret is to stay awake in the country that you have arrived in, until the time in that country that you would normally go to bed.

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