Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kidney pain?

My son, age 15, came to me complaining of pain in the area of his kidneys. I asked if it was sharp pain or an ache and he said it felt like someone was pressing on them. I asked him to drink some water and he said he'd been drinking water all morning (he was at a friend's wrestling tournamont). He doesn't have fever or feel ill, just hurts.

What should I watch for or do for him?
Hi I'm 17 and I had,acually I still have kidney pain too.
I went to the Er and I winded Up getting a cat scan and I had kidney stones.
That probably is the case for your son. He has to go to an er right away to get it checked out because no medicines in a pharmacy can help that.
I'd find out if he'd been wrestling too as you only said he was in attendance.
If he's bruised it'll get better, but once you find out if he had been wrestling too or not you'll know better what to look for.

If he hasn't been and it continues, you would probably want to take him to the doctor.
He might have done too much excersise and drank way too much water. I'm in the military and every time we do intense trainning and drink lots of water it always happens. The body could only hold 12 quarts of water a day. Anything more then that can be deadly. Just have him rest and maintain his feet elevated.
it could just be growing pains
but when he goes for a wee ask if he has any pain while weeing and ask if its a dark colour or if it burned if he has any off those it could mean he has a water infection.
if he still has the pains within 24hrs book an appointment at teh doctors to be on teh safe side
call your doctor now or go to the er . pain is telling you somethings wrong. Cranberry juice helps.
He needs to drink a TON of non-carbonated fluids such as water and juice. There is a chance that he has a kidney infection or possibly a kidney stone. If it gets any worse or he starts experiencing other symptoms (burning in urination, traveling pain, etc), then he needs to go see his doctor pronto.
Hes probably just got an infection my brother sons gets them all the time. If it painful when he takes a deep in take of breath it could be that. Check his urine get a sample take it to the Dr he will take another sample

Just to confirm the kidneys are not in the lower back. Unless some evolutionary change as taken place whilst I was away
yeah get a doctor
Is he able to urinate without pain? Maybe he got into the wrestling ring. Guys do that messing around.
As long as he is able to put out the amount he intakes, that means his kidneys are still functioning.
I would be concerned if it didn't go away by tomorrow or if the pain increases. I would take his temp anyway, you never know, sometimes you can have a temp and not know it.
Does it hurt to put pressure on that spot? If so I would call the doctor.

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