Saturday, October 31, 2009

IWhy is the bottle of IV fluids elevated when administered to patients?

Why is the bottle elevated when administered to patients and by what factors would the flow rate change if the height of the bottle above the patient is doubled, with other factors constant.
IV bags are elevated to use gravity to administer fluids to a patient. Raising the height of the bag would increase the gravitational potential energy, but would not affect flow rate. The accerleration due to gravity is constant and the flow rate would be the same regardless of the height as long as it was elevated.

Two things that might change flow rate are changing the thickness of the tubes or changing the pressure of the bag. Normally, a full bag would exert more pressure than a nearly empty one, but IV's have pressure regulators. (The thing that drips from the bag to the tube) This is to keep the full high pressure bags from emptying out too quickly into the person.

So really the only thing that would affect flow rate is changing the thickness of the tube or removing the thing that dripped.
Gravity fed, there is a restrictor by the needle that will allow only so much Saline fluid in at a time.
So gravity can do the work of delivering it.

The rest of your questions sound like homework questions, so I'll pass.
the bottle is elevated so staff don't have to bend down to administer or adjust the drip.
as you know, water doesn't compress .. so the rate of flow is mostly determined by the size of the sphincter.
It is elevated so that the fluid drains into you. The flow rate does not change if the height was doubled. There is a clip on the IV that controls flow rate.
In the old days, intravenous fluid administration depended on gravity to overcome the venous pressure. I don't remember the average venous pressure, but it wasn't too high, measured in centimeters of water. Flow could be regulated by height of the bottle or by an adjustable clip on the iv tubing. The rate was determined by counting the drops per minute.There were 20 drops per milliliter in adult set-ups and 60 drops per ml in pediatric set-ups. They could go out of adjustment easily.

In most hospitals since the 1980's or so, iv fluids are adjusted via a pump that measures the flow rate and has digital read-outs and can be adjusted by the push of a button or two. Like every other piece of electronic equipment, it has to be calibrated periodically. But it is far more accurate, and the height of the bottle is less important, but it still needs to be placed above the pump.

In real life, other factors are never constant. Sometimes you cannot find a satisfactory vein to insert the needle. If a patient is markedly dehydrated, the flow rate has to be relatively fast. If he is in renal failure, fluids are administered very slowly. In severe diabetic ketoacidosis they have to be monitored very carefully. Sometimes you're damned if you give fluids too rapidly, othertimes you're damned if you give them too slowly.

I've uric acid problem use to get pain whole part of body specially in toe ca't stand & walk much?

so please provede me some solution, about this ica't concerntraet with my job at all and and some time feel irretration, please advice how to relief this problem, doctor has telling if it logn terms desease it could be spoil to kidny, lung etc.
I feel for you, I have gout on a recuring basis, it is extremely painfull. Diet has a big effect on it, but there seems everyone has a different answer to what foods trigger it, a friend of mine said strawberries caused it? For me it seems to be triggered by exessive drinking or too many cured meats (ham, sausage, bacon). Two remedies are supposed to be cherries, and apple cider vinegar. I have tried both but I am unsure if it really went away any faster as it comes and goes anyway, but the way I look at it it can't hurt.

Ibuprofen seems to reduce the pain slightly, it is the only non narcotic that seems to help (800 mg)
Ouch!!! Sounds like Gout, I feel for ya. Go to for your info.
is that all your dr. said? there are a few prescription products that you can take for this problem (called gout). also take some advil for painrelief for now and get a prescription!
Cut down you meat, chicken, shrimp and craps consumption. Avoid smoking, coffee and replace them with natural fresh juices, drink plenty and plenty of water. eat fruits and vegetables regularly, but avoid Mango.
Sounds like gout in your toe. It's painful. I suppose if the uric acid levels in your blood are not controlled your other organs will suffer. Did your doctor offer any suggestions about how to control the levels?

I've taken laxatives, eaten fiber, but I still face constipation. help?

it's been 5 days since my last... major trip to the toilet.. I've eaten an extremely healthy and high fiber diet, (oatmeal for breakfast, an entire mango for snack, whole wheat sandwhich, and various pastas for dinner), I've even taken LAXATIVES and still nothing will come out. sitting on the toilet for long periods of time gets me nowhere. I have major stomach pain and If I don't 'go' soon, should I stop eating until it finally comes?
Take (2) shots of straight, undiluted "Heinz" brand apple cider vinegar!
Or, (if you can't handle it straight), mix (2) tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in an 8 oz. glass of water and sip until gone! (You may need to do two of these though because it's diluted).
It works great, and it's all natural.
(It also sterilizes your digestive tract and kills off bad bacteria)!
You should be dumping in 20 - 60 minutes!
You need to see your doctor ASAP, there could be something wrong with you internally. It is not normal not to go after 5 days. Also your doctor can prescribe a pill that will make you go more often.
Yes thats usually a cue that it's time for a Doctor. There could be serious blockage, polyps, dare I say cancer, or infection- something really wrong, if even laxatives wont help. My guess is blockage, and they can diagnose and fix whatever it is.
Best of luck to you, and I hope its nothing serious or expensive :)
You need to go to a doctor, this is more than just constipation.
Take an enema and Milk of Magnesia.
Acupunture really works!

Iv'e read that St. John's Wort may help night tremors. Is it safe to give it to my three year old daughter?

no st john's wort is not suitable for children! I have heard of a remedy called 'indigo essences' they are really good, my brother has terrible nightmares and couldn't sleep so we tried these and they worked a treat! i would really recommend them have a look at the website and see what you think! they have no side affects and the child should usually pick which bottle they think themselves its a good idea good luck xxx
Absolutely not. A good herbal remedy but not for young children. Try homoeopathic phosphorus - much safer - can be used on any age. Consult a registered homoeopath for a complete prescription.
No. Do not give her ANYTHING without talking to her pediatrician first. Without the doctor's diagnosis, you don't know what she has.
my little boy suffers these quite badly. he usually starts around midnight, so instead of medication I go in his room just before midnight nudge him a little just so he stirs, whisper to him i love him kiss him and say goodnight. disturbing the deep sleep (in which tremours occur) has worked wonders. Try all possible routes before using any form of medication.
I really couldn't tell you only please don't give something like that to a 3 yr old, I do know it is banned in Ireland, why I don't know only that should tell you something. Get the right treatment from your doctor when it comes to your child.
St John's Wort is not recommended for children. Although an "herbal" remedy, it does have medicinal properties. Consult a physician before taking St. John's Wort for any reason.
please dont give this to your daughter
No. St. John's Wort is a natural sedative, it does have calming effects, but like all medication, natural, alternative or conventional it does have certain strengths and should only be administered to a child by an expert.
What exactly is the problem?
If it's a sleeping issue have you tried non-direct contact things like lavander or camomile scented cushion in her room?

I would suggest whatever the issue is that you seek professional help if you are that worried about it.
No, don't ever give St John's Wort to a child.
I wouldn't advise giving them to a three yr old %26 only give half of one, if u do. St johns wort is also an alternative to anti-depressants. U have to take no more than 900grams a day %26 it affects ur contraception pill.
Read the instructions.....No No No and again No!

Perhaps you ought to let her sleep with you until she gets over these tremours. It wouldn't hurt and at least she is getting and everyone else will be getting a restful nights sleep.
This is a question for her pediatrician...Better yet...Night Tremors are a symptom of something. You should try and find out what.
no i wouldnt

I've heard that taking flaxseed oil can help excessive sweating. Is this true?

Flaxseed oil is derived from the seeds of the flax plant. Flaxseed oil and flaxseed contain substances that promote good health. Flaxseed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be beneficial for heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and a variety of other health conditions. Flaxseed, in addition to ALA, contains a group of chemicals called lignans that may play a role in the prevention of cancer. Please see the flaxseed monograph for further information on this herbal agent.

ALA, as well as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), belongs to a group of substances called omega-3 fatty acids. EPA and DHA are found primarily in fish while ALA is mostly found in flaxseed oil and other vegetable oils. Although similar in structure, the benefits of ALA, EPA, and DHA are not necessarily the same.

It is important to maintain an appropriate balance of omega-3 and omega-6 (another essential fatty acid) in the diet as these two substances work together to promote health. These essential fats are both examples of polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFAs. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and most omega-6 fatty acids tend to promote inflammation. An inappropriate balance of these essential fatty acids contributes to the development of disease while a proper balance helps maintain and even improve health. A healthy diet should consist of roughly two to four times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids. The typical American diet tends to contain 14 to 25 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids and many researchers believe this imbalance is a significant factor in the rising rate of inflammatory disorders in the United States.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation and help prevent certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and arthritis. These essential fatty acids appear to be particularly important for cognitive and behavioral function as well as normal growth and development.



Studies suggest that flaxseed oil and other omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful in treating a variety of conditions. The evidence is strongest for heart disease and problems that contribute to heart disease, but the range of possible uses for flaxseed oil include:

High Cholesterol
People who follow a Mediterranean diet tend to have higher HDL ("good") cholesterol levels. The Mediterranean diet consists of a healthy balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It emphasizes whole grains, root and green vegetables, daily intake of fruit, fish and poultry, olive and canola oils, and ALA, along with discouragement of ingestion of red meat and total avoidance of butter and cream.

High Blood Pressure
Several studies suggest that diets and/or supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids (including ALA) lower blood pressure significantly in people with hypertension. Fish high in mercury (such as tuna) should be avoided, however, because they may increase blood pressure.

Heart Disease
One of the best ways to help prevent and treat heart disease is to eat a low-fat diet and to replace foods rich in saturated and trans-fat with those that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed oil). Evidence suggests that people who eat an ALA-rich diet are less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Some people with Crohn's disease (CD), one form of IBD, have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their bodies. Fish oil supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce symptoms of CD and ulcerative colitis (another inflammatory bowel disease), particularly if used in addition to medication. Preliminary animal studies have found that ALA (such as from flaxseed oil) may actually be more effective than EPA and DHA found in fish oil supplements, but further studies in humans are needed to confirm these findings.

Several studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce tenderness in joints, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with rheumatoid arthritis and, probably, osteoarthritis as well.

Breast Cancer
Women who regularly consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids over many years may be less likely to develop breast cancer and to die from the disease than women who do not follow such a diet. Laboratory and animal studies indicate that omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells and may even prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Several experts speculate that omega-3 fatty acids in combination with other nutrients (namely, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, and coenzyme Q10) may prove to be of particular value for preventing and treating breast cancer.

People who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids or do not maintain a healthy balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in their diet may be at an increased risk for depression. The omega-3 fatty acids are important components of nerve cell membranes. They help nerve cells communicate with each other, which is an essential step in maintaining good mental health.

Essential fatty acids have been used to reduce inflammation and promote wound healing in burn victims. Animal research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids help promote a healthy balance of proteins in the body -- protein balance is important for recovery after sustaining a burn. Further research is necessary to determine if this may apply to people as well.

Although there are few studies to support the use of omega-3 fatty acids for skin problems, many clinicians believe that flaxseed is helpful for treating acne.

Preliminary research suggests that omega-3 fatty acid supplements may decrease inflammation and improve lung function in adults with asthma.

Menstrual pain
In a study of nearly 200 Danish women, those with the highest dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids had the mildest symptoms during menstruation.

Although further research is needed, preliminary evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may also prove helpful in protecting against certain infections and treating a variety of conditions including ulcers, migraine headaches, preterm labor, emphysema, psoriasis, glaucoma, Lyme disease, lupus, and panic attacks.
Wow... good to know. I am a major sweater... I will take it now. I will find out and then tell you! Do you sweat alot?

I've heard of people using their own urin as medicene. What do they do with it?


Not that I would try it.
Especially not after eating asparagus!
I Myself Have Never Heard Of That So I Am Very Sorry To Say That I Can Not Help You There
theres a couple things:
they drink it and it fixes headaches and migrains
they put it on the body to heat it up

I've had this pimple for a week now?

I've had this pimple on the side of my nose for a week now. Its pretty much just a red bump. Not a white head, not a blackhead, just a painless, red bump. I'm honestly thinking of just squeezing it as hard as i can. It shows no signs of going away.
Hey thanks for sharing that with us.
If its painless, it might be an inflamed cyst...

But whatever you do, DO NOT SQUEEZE IT! It only makes it worse short and long term. Wash it daily until it goes away. Try different drying creams like OXY.
Try a warm wet compress. Just soak a washcloth in hot water and hold it against the area while watching TV or something. Keep doing that (rewarming the washcloth as needed) for about an hour or so. You should be much improved by morning.
warm compresses will make it come to a head..wash your face gently 3 or 4 times a day with dove or ivory soap.
use preperation H on the sore will draw it to a head and shrink the swelling.
After this if you wash your face and never touch your face with your hands your acne will go antibiotic can make the infected face heal.
They usually give acne patients 250 mg of amoxil or keflex 1x a day for a month

Ive had the hiccups every day for 7 years straight....?

i really dont think that little girl is interesting with some 3 week hiccups when ive had them for 7 years. I swear on my life I've had them that long and every single day.
how is that possible. can u sleep?
Breathe. I kid you not. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Long, slow, deep, even breaths. Very important to breath slow and even, because what you're doing is calming a spasm in the diaphram. Works every single time, guaranteed. May take a time or two until you learn the breathing technique, most people want to rush through it, and you can't do that. You have to do it slow, as if you were meditating. Think calm and peaceful while you breathe.
Get a Q-tip, or other cotton-tipped swab, and rub the roof of the mouth, where the soft palate meets the hard palate. This will often stop hiccups.
I know this is going to sound crazy, but it has never failed me yet.
Try holding the little flaps on both ears in so that you can't hear as well, and while doing this, start drinking water through a straw for as long as you can without taking a breath...this has worked on everyone that I know as well.
Good luck!!!!!
I don't know if you have tried it or not....but as odd as it may sound, try drinking a glass of water upside down while holding your breath. Drink as much of an 8oz glass as you can while holding your breath...
Again, sounds odd....but honestly works great.
get a full glass of water, sit down and have someone plug your ears while you drink the entire glass of water without stopping, when done your hiccups will be gone, i dont know why but it works every single time for me and i get the hiccups quite frequently and they are those really deep painful hiccups too, good luck.

I've had my belly button pierced and may have an infection? Help???

I had it done 20th Jan and for a couple of weeks now there's been this white stuff coming out of it when I go to clean it and it goes kinda crusty all over the belly bar where it sticks out at the top and bottom... is that normal??? Doesn't sound it to me but I wanted to check?
I have got my bellybutton done too, and some of my friends also. We all got that. Your body is just adapting to it. It's crusty around it because the skin wants to heal over it and the white stuff comes out because of all the inside skin that wants to grow over it but it can't. It's not an infection. Just continue cleaning it, and it should be okay within the next month. Thats how quickly mine cleared up. and I still have it. Good luck, I hope this helped.
It sounds like you do have an infection, or at least some irritation. Go back to the shop you had it done in, they will know for sure and will be able to tell you how to properly care for it.
You may want to go to a doctor to have it checked out. Don't remove the jewelry, though. If the doctor decides it's infected, they will decide the best course of action. I don't have a belly button piercing, but I do have a nose piercing. White pus is not a good thing, so go to the doctor to get it checked out.
Infections usually cause the area to be sore and swollen to, and pus is usually yellow. Unless you are sore I don't think you have an infection...just normal crusting. Keep it clean and ask the shop that did the piercing for advice.
Dumb Sh*t, you are not supposed to poke holes in your body. Apply Hydrogen Peroxide (get it in a drug store) twice a day. If the area gets red and tender and / or swells up, go to a clinic because you will probably need antibiotics at that point.
Belly button piercings are very suseptible to infection. Definately sounds like it is infected.

Swap with alcohol several times throughout the day and then apply an antibiotic ointment.

This area is one of the longest healing places for a piercing and consistant clothing rubbing it also encourages infection and irritation.

The best thing would be to remove it and let it heal. I'm sure that is not what you want to hear, especially since you just recently had it done.
Sound like pus which means infection which means if you don't get to a doc and get on an antibiotic you risk an intra-abdominal infection.
And that means hospital stay.
So what are you waiting for? Go to the doctor already!

I've had hiccups now for 18 hours. I also experience a little burning sensation in my throat.?

Have you experienced this before? It's definitely not the common case of hiccups. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.
Drink lots of water until you feel like you can't drink anymore-this will help with the excess air in your body causing the hiccups.
Booooooooooooooooooooooooo!!..... that help??
I think you should seek professional help, beacause that can be a dangerous symptom.
well -the burning in your throat is no doubt due to 18 hrs of hiccups. I'd say if it goes on much longer you may want to see a doctor - there is a medication that they can try to stop them.
Good luck - i hope you don't end up like that girl that had them for 5 weeks.

I found this for you.. I hope it makes your hiccups go away!
If you have esophageal reflux you may be experiencing the burning sensation from it. I would try an over the counter zantac or liquid mylanta and see if the burning sensation is reduced. If it continues to feel this way, go to the doctor.
hiccups are a spasm of the diaphragm. Since you have the burning in your throat you may have a case of reflux and it irritated the nerves along your esophagus. Drink some water %26lt;room temp%26gt; then try some Mylanta or Maalox, wait about 2 minutes, then hold your breath %26lt;not long a few seconds%26gt; and very slowly exhale. If that doesn't help and you have probably tried every other remedy you can think of. Go to the Doctor, he can give you a shot of some medicine that will help.

I've had hiccups for the past 65 days, they wont go away, what do i do?

I don't know if this will work but it seemed interesting!
I have heard and seen doctors prescribe the old anti-psychotic drug Thorazine in a low dose for intractable hiccups but I would think that would be a last resort after you have exhausted all other options. Good Luck
idk...i think your making this up. I heard that some teenage girl had this. go to the doctor
a spoonful of peanut butter never fails!!
u have to chek it-it's too long.
i had that once i was only like 4 i had 2 go 2 the hospital
I heard the same thing too. Go to the docotr? I hope you're not making this up.
If you haven't already done so, you really need to see a doctor. Continued hiccups have actually killed people.

What always works for me is to take a glas of water and stretch a papertowel over the top and drink the water non stop through the paper towel. I don't know why it works but it works for me everytime.

Good luck
There are pills for that.. can not remember the name but my father was on chemo and radiation and developed hiccups for quite a while... the doctor gave him a prescription to take 3x a day and they actually worked. Stopped by end of day. His were so bad he could not eat.

Also - have you tried eating a tablespoon of peanut butter - only thing that stops them on me when I get a bad case of hiccups.
Well, I can't tell you how YOU can get rid of them, but I know how you can get rid of someone else's hiccups! Simply ask them to hiccup in your hand with a dead- serious look on your face. Hold your hand near their mouth. IT WORKS!!! Mind over matter people, mind over matter.
Go for the world record!!! Only 67.9 more years to go ;-)
get to the hospital asap
=( =(
there's some girl in Florida who's had them for the past 3 weeks
try EVERYTHING......go to the doctor, drink water, do all that stuff that people says will work
if you go to the doctor they might give you medicine for it that might help.....
Carefully but firmly put your fingers in your ears as deep as you can and with a bit of pressure. Be firm but do not abuse. Also while doing this hold your breath. About 1 to 1.5 min. should do. I know it seems like a long time but 65 days is a hell of a lot longer. Worth a try at least. Sometimes this is a serious condition and you will need to see a Dr. I hope this helps you.
drink lots of cold water .
this works for me, press in on your diaphram and take a deep breath and hold it as long as you can.
chug a warm glass of sugar water upside down - it works everytime!

I've had cold-like symtoms for almost 8 weeks?

I had a cold around 8 weeks ago, and it went after 3 or 4 days, but since then every few days I get a stuffy nose, and sore throat. My voice is permenantly husky, and I have a cough. I don't want to bother my doctor for a simple cold, but am starting to get concerned that I'm still suffering from terrible headaches and lethargy.
Could this be the cold still in my system? And if so, how do I get rid of it??
A cold will only last a matter of days. Your recurring fluctuating symptoms suggest you may be getting a rapid series of new infections. This may be because the first infection buffeted your immune system so that it is now under par. Unfortunately there is little you can do to improve this. If you are eating normally for example, vitamins will not help.

Because you have been unwell for 8 weeks, if you presented to me I would arrange some blood screening to ensure there was no remediable cause, a cough for 8 weeks might also justify a chest x-ray.
(FBC U+E LFTs TFTs ESR CRP FBS and immunoglobulin electrophoresis). I might suggest you try this to be safe.
goto the doctors, a normal cold shouldnt last that long!

ive got a runny nose today and can't stop sneezing! if i got it from you, ill find ya! :P
see a doctor any advise on here is dangerous and pointless well except mine that is
Hey you need to go to the doctors u have the flu, i had the exact same thing, he will give you amoxicillin (antibiotics) and they work like a charm. I was alright the next day.
sounds more like you are allergic to something in your environment. go see your doctor.
Yes, you must go to the doc and get this sorted - a cough which lasts eight weeks is more than a 'simple cold'. Do it on Monday! Don't forget!
yeah see a doctor, cant be a cold for that long, i had something similar and left it and it turned into a chest infection and i had to get antibiotics. also i find i get flu like symptions when i get run down or not enough sleep, and a good nites rest usually helps
If you don't have or haven't had any fever, I would be inclined to think it is either a chest infection or an allergy. An allergy can make you feel drained too as your system tries to fight the irritation. Wash your pillows, curtains and matress cover and consider if you've changed detergents etc. lately.
Central heating ducts can get full of dust and animal hair etc. and cause terrible allergies. I spent one winter thinking I had a cold until the dr. suggested we clean out the ducts...problem solved.
Do see a doctor and find out what's really wrong.
Definitely bug your doctor -- that's what they are there for! Sounds like it's either gone into an infection (headache could mean sinus infection) or the cold made your body susceptable for allergic reactions (diminished immune system), and your symptoms are allergy-related. Allergies can mimic a cold very well -- even the fatigue and body aches.

I had the cruddy cold that's been going around last week. I went to the doctor because of the headache and yellow drainage. She prescribed Zithromax, an antibiotic. I couldn't believe how much better I felt in just a few days.
this is been a bad cold and flue season this year. even my doctors whole family had it. her son and my 17 year old both had pnenomia. You can get a cold again right after you got rid of it. And there is a cold that does start with a major headache we have had that one too. You are not bohtering your doctor. you could have a sinius infection, or broncitis or both. even mono from being sick so long you got to run down. Go rule out anything major. And then stay home in bed for a few days and get some rest. If you want to wait till the weekend is over then go get some musenex. I may have spelled that wrong to unstuff your nose. run a vaporizer. with vicks. take nyquil or what ever you usually take for a cold. ge some cough drops. and go to bed. oh and don't forget the gingerale or what ever else you want to drink. but drink a lot.
The cold virus doesn't live for 8 weeks. It may be that you have an allergic reaction to something. If you can detect what might be new or different in that time frame ( ie new kitten?)you could try an over the counter allergy medication or you might want to see your physician as it may be a sinus infection which would require antibiotics.
Sounds like an allergy or possible a sinus infection. Your nose may not run but the drainage from your sinusus are draining down your throat causing a cough, rough voice and sore throat. You need an antibiotic to knock it out see a DR.
sounds like you have a flu - go see your gp - you may have a chest infection

I've had a cough for almost a month now?

It hurts most of the time to cough (in my chest) and is very deep sounding. Do I just have a bad cold? The only other symptoms I have are tiredness. Once I start coughing it can keep going and going and I think I'll die cause I can't breath. It's getting really annoying with school and all.
Could just be the weather, you know, its that time of year. i had a similar problem not too long ago, month or 2 ago. i didnt go to the doctor or anything and it went away on its own. it felt like my chest was always caving in all the time, and shortness of breathe. but im not saying dont go to the doctor cuz you still should, i coulda just been lucky ;)
well, sounds like you're going to die :(

will me your skull?
go to the dr and get some cough medicine that works better than over the counter stuff. i think half of the world is going thru this right now. its that time of year.
I think you should go on to the doctor since its been a month. It sounds like you may have Bronchitis and you may need an antibiotic to cure any infection up. A cough for a month is a cause for concern.
go to the doctor! You may have strep, and if thats the case it can cause your kidneys to fail, you should have gone sooner. Research your symptoms on webmd to see how severe it may be.
o my! maybe thats terrible maybe you should get a total rest, because it's happens to me, but mine is pnuemonia! what i did is i drink a lot of warm water, rest, sleep and check up to my doctor maybe that's the best thing to do. go to your doctor maybe your doctor gonna prescribe you something to heal your coughing. :)
You need to get that cough checked out by a doctor. Or take cough syrup.
Dear Sligo, you're not the only one. It's passing around all over the place. My elderly Mom has it terribly bad and has been on strong medicines for weeks, still coughing and fighting secondary problems from the medications. You should probably see a doctor for eval and see if there is some remedy to help you fight through to it's conclusion. You don't want to get behind in your studies and a conscientious doctor can usually help. The younger physicians don't seem to pass out antibiotics unless really needed, but with your lungs or bronchials giving you the sense of not getting your breath, you should be seen. My middlest son called me today from the E.R. with high fever and similar symptoms, so, carry on. Best wishes
You need to go to the doctors to get him to check it out it could be a chest infection that will need anti-biotics to clear it up.
First, I would recommend you to
consult a doctor. Find some good
home remedies for cough

I've got the most awful hiccups! Tried every remedy I know PLEASE help me?

Lay down, relax for a couple of minutes and breathe calmly. That will bring your breathing rhythm back to normal, and stop the muscle spasms of the diaphragm which will make the hiccups go away.
plug ur ears an nose an swallow cold water
get someone to scare you
stand on your head an swallow
i have 2 that work for me!!

-cross your arms over your chest (like your doing sit-ups) and hold your breath for 15 seconds.. i dont know why but it works!

-drink water upside down..!! its cool how quickly it works for me

good luck and feel better!
try this:Applyn pressue to your forehead by putting a finger on your forehead. Approx 1 in or so up over your nose - so your finger is right in the middle of your forehead.
Hold for about 30 sec. Do this until the hiccups dissapear.
If this doesn't work, try rubbing the spot with your finger.

I saw this once on "UNTOLD STORIES OF THE ER" It has to be my absoulte favorite show. But this woman came in with the hiccups and had put up with them for almost 2 weeks. this was the only thing that helped her.
Drink out of the opposite side of a glass than your normally would. If they last for more than an hour go to the ER, it could be serious.
Try drinking some water with your head down (like drinking from a water fountain). Keep your head down while swallowing. Drink slowly. Hopefully that will work. It has worked several times for me.
Do what they call a mathimatical lolipop 13 x 13 them sub tract 13 till you get to zero or try really hard to remember something you have to think really hard on works great don't know why.
Try getting a cup of soda (Pepsi or whatever...not diet). Go to a room where there isn't carpet (kitchen or bathroom) in case you spill some. Bend over so your head is hanging down, and try to drink some of the pop that way. You'll essentially be pouring a bit into the roof of your mouth. It's not EASY to do it, but it does work!

If you'd rather not do that, try drinking a WHOLE glass of pop without stopping. Just gulp and gulp (at least 10 gulps in a row). That seems to do the trick too. Good luck!
A spoonful of peanut butter, bitters on a lemon, drink through a handkerchief, vinegar, dill pickle juice, or two green olives? Also sugar and hold your breath.
Try for the rest of the odd suggestions.
It seems as if all the ideas involve doing something where you are temporally not breathing.
that means ur growin up
one of my friends had he hiccups while she was at the doctors office... he told her to drink 10 sips of water one second apart... i dont know if it works but i giope it helps!!!!
i knew someone who had the hiccups for over 2 years
was finally diagn as muscle spasm they have to take meds
every day for this
good luck
dont breath for as long as you can! did you watch the news? theres this girl who had hiccups for 3weeks. if this continues i advice you to see a doctor.
simple and easy=
eat yourself some regular sugar....just put some sugar on a tablespoon and down it goes....sounds weird but that is how I always get rid of mine....
GUARANTEED TO WORK!!! -or at least it works 100% of the time for me,

Get a small glass of water - stand with your legs apart, bend over as far as you can with your head down low - and take as big a drink as you can.

Your hiccups should be gone. All it takes is one time for me. If for some chance you still have the hiccups, do it again, only this time take a long drink.

Ive got swollen glands, whats wrong with me?

i had swollen glands quite a lot before xmas but then didnt ave them again til a week ago when i could barely swallow. now it doesnt hurt anymore but they are still swollen. also ive been really tired recently and unable to sleep and just feeling really low in general
What are you waiting for? Go see your GP!
And.................. you haven't sought medical advice? Why not. It is probably just an infection and treatable with antibiotics but the Health Service will take care of that.
swollen glands normally happen when you are run down,its just your bodys way of fighting back any infection you may have,perfectley normal and nothing to worry about
did u have white bits at the back of ure throat coz it might be tonsilitis. i had that and my glands were swollen for weeks after the doctor sed if it didnt go down within a week to go bk incase it was glandular fever. go to the doctors for antibitics coz the last thing u would want is glandular fever.
if you have been really tired and low for the last couple of weeks to a month and you have swollen glands, you may have mono. You should go to the doctor immediately.
Swollen glands can be from a number of sources. Some caused by an infection that makes your glands swell and sore for a while, but with antibiotic treatment it will go away. If you have not had treatment it is time to do so especially as you now have additional symptoms such as tiredness but inability to sleep, feeling low follows on from these. Another reason for swollen glands in Glandular Fever and that is not to be messed about with. Without treatment it can knock out your immunity system and lead to years of illness. Whatever the cause get to the doctor now and get it checked out.
i think you sound run down and swollen glands can mean you are fighting off an infection.
Exercise is a great mood lifter if you have the energy and will also help with your sleep, try a brisk walk at lunchtime it may help, also taking a high dose of vitamin c may be beneficial
hope this helps?
That is just not enough to make any diagnosis.

Your lymph glands are part of your body's defence system. They are not thus treatable, but the cause of the enlargement may need dealt with. When anything attacks your body, either infection or tumour they swell up and filter out bacteria, pus or tumour cells.

In young people a simple virus may put them up in a few hours, they may then stay up for several weeks. Since young people on average, get seven viruses a year, they can go up and down like yo-yos!

If gland enlargement is persistent some routine blood screening is sensible. Generally it will show nothing.
Could be mono. It's really going around right now. Mono isn't just from kissing someone, and can be spread by someone sneezing or coughing around you. Have you noticed a rash on your arms or legs or any other part of your body? Or have you noticed any bumps behind your ears or on the back of your head? Sounds weird, but there are lymph noids there that can be swollen, and usually will be with mono. With mono, you feel exhausted all the time, and just feel lousy. I had it in August, so I remember very well what it feels like to have it.

It could also be something else, something really simple. Usually you don't have swollen glands unless you have an infection of some kind, and since it has gone away and come back, I would say get it checked out.

Go see a doctor. They will do some tests to see what it really is. Should be fine though. They may put you on some medication to help.
Swollen glands usually mean an infection. Sometimes nasal and sinus allergies cause drainage and infection leading to swollen glands. Mononucleosisis is another possibility. Not to scare you but swollen glands can also mean lymphoma, a type of cancer. Some symptoms of lymphoma are tiredness, swollen glands, night sweats and later on weight loss. If you've had this problem off and on for weeks you really need to get to a doctor very soon. The fact that your glands are still swollen and that you are so tired and run down is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. Don't just drag around feeling bad. Go get a diagnosis and get well before springtime!
ur glands are basicly there to fight infection and when they swell it usually means they have to work really hard if ur worried about it go to the doc

I've got sore throat, headache and earache?

is there something going round at the moment ? i don't know where I got it from?

its not a cold, anyone else got something similar ?
Not sure where you are, but there have been two virus' going about. One is the flu with sickness and the other is throat and ear ache (this was the one I got at the new year) One of my staff also had it. Can last for a week or two. Hope this helps
Yes, ive had similar and when I saw my doctor she said they were sympotms of a flu virus thats making its way round!
The best way to recover is to rest, drink plenty of fludids, take pain killers and gargle with salt water to help ease your throat.
Feel better!
I have had a headache on and off over the last few days. At this time of year, there are always strange types of cold and flu like illnesses. The constant up and down with the weather doesn't help. Take vitamins, keep up vitamin C, fluids in general, eat regular meals, keep warm and take yourself to bed - sleep is nature's best way to heal.
yes i do and my girlfriend has it, its a bad sinus infection going around. my ears hurt too and my eyes hurt, and my throat feels like someone shoved a meat grinder down it and my nose feels like someone ran a drill bit through it lol, it sucks
It could be a sinus infection or an ear infection. If you're off balance or feel dizzy, then it's probably ear. If not, then it's sinus. Either one should be treated with an antibiotic and a decongestant. Otherwise, it will worsen and you could get severe chest congestion.
And, yes, these things go around often, especially during the cooler months.
UK has a lot of mumps going about, your neck , is it swollen?
it sounds like you have a virus and need antibiotics, it's best if you have it checked out. get better soon !
I just got over pnemonia; it started out the same way. If your lungs start going crazy,(shortnes of breath, tireing EASILY) GO to the Dr. and ask for Avelox this anti-biotic made me feel better within 2 days. If you wait like I did, you'll be on you back for 2 weeks. Avelox (Bayer) expensive so ask for samples. Also, Jim Beam works just as well lol! Good luck. I hate it when people get sick
That's a bit freaky 'cos I don't remember snogging you. But I woke up yesterday with EXACTLY the same symptoms. I'm never, ever ill but I felt really rough all day. Slightly better today but still not quite right.

I'm serious - where do you live?
i had the same symptoms 2 days before... and tonight i have fewer and a very strange feeling in my lungs.. i cough lot. i ve heard in the news that this week is going to be the peak of the epidemic flu (in France)
theres a lot going round at the moment, flu, stomach bugs etc, ive had the lot! you may have an ear infection, take paracetamol for the pain, if you need antibiotics the gp will prescribe them
Headache is a pain in the head, scalp or neck. Headaches can be
caused by minor problems like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more
serious reasons like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can have harmful side
effects, so it is better to modify your lifestyle. More information
available at

I've got a tummy bug, what should I eat?

I've got a tummy bug and have been throwing up for two days. I really need to eat something, but all I fancy is tinned pineapples! Is this a good idea? What else can I eat to make me feel better?
Eat something light and soft in texture so it won't tax your stomach, like porridge or oatmeal.
if you have been sick, i'd suggest something light to start with. toast or scrambled egg etc. maybe leave the pineapple til you can manage to keep something down.
I wouldn't eat anything you don't want to throw up. Stay away from acidic things such as tomatoes. Instead try toast or Cheerios or saltine crackers. They're good for soaking up the acid in your tummy and easier to digest. Get well soon! =)
Oh! And your body will need protein to get well so try eating eggs or something else that'll stick to your bones.
Dry biscuits and flat coke is good.
I wouldn't eat pineapple, it is too acidic.
1. Eat nothing until you can keep plain water down without throwing up.

2. Once you can keep water down, move to clear broth soup. No noodles or veggies, just clear broth.

3. If you can keep that down, move on to BRAT: Bananas, Rice, Applesause, or Toast (dry - no toppings). These food items will not upset your stomach in any way.

Once you can keep BRAT down, you are ready to resume light eating of regular foods.
just drink water
Best thing to do would be to try and not eat anything!! but if you think your geting better then try just have some toast or some crackers and see if you keep that down! Also just drink water!
Don't eat anything for 24 hours but drink electrolytic fluids--such as Dyrolite-- then when you do start eating, eat dry toast and chopped up apples until you feel able to try something more substantial like chicken soup.
Eating ice chips will calm your stomach. Then it is usually good to follow the BRAT diet.. Bananas, rice applesauce and toast. This is a diet you follow for diarrhea and vomiting, recommended by doctors. Hope you feel better soon!!
My daughters pediatrician recommends the BRAT diet,
yoghurt or cold water
don't eat anything, this will kill the bug
i would try some toast or dry biscuits
Throwing up for 2 days?!! then the reason you fancy tinned pineapples is becasue you are low in blood sugar and carbohydrate stores.
Carb. stores are where your body stores ant carbs you have eaten so it has stores of energy and can survive in the case of famine- or even just inbetween meals. If you havent eaten your body may now have none left- or at the very least be running low. When it has none left it will crave sugar. This is the fastest way for it to get energy- sugar. and as sweet as possible.

The best thing you can eat is something mild- none acidic, this is so you dont irritate the walls of your stomach which will have no food in it if you have thrown it all up. If you irratate your stomach you will simply just bring up all the food again.
Plian bread-either white or brown is fine- though not with the seeds and grains in as this may be rejected by your stomach, or give it too much work to do digesting. Wter or a LITTLE semi skimmed or skimmed milk (milk can be quite rich) is ok too. Try to steer clear of jam, butter, or chocolate- or fruit, tinned or otherwise, its really acidic and may also feed the bug which is in your system.

If you continue to throw everyhting up, you really should see a doctor, you could be dehydrated for a start, and become very ill very quickly unless you can drink.
Nothing for at least 24 hours. Sip water as often as possible. Start off with some dry toast or a very plain cracker biscuit or two. If tum settled try some mashed potatoes with a little milk used to soften them and not much seasoning. Hope you are better soon.
U should stay on the BRAT diet after you have stopped throwing up. 1st take tablespoons of juice or gingerale every 15 min. until u can hold it down. when U want 2 try eating....BRAT B-bananas-R-rice A-applesauce(good for diareah)T-toast

good luck i hope u feel better soon.
ps pineapple is too acidic right now. stay away from orange juice and such too.
I would suggest not eating anything for at least 24 hours. In the meantime, drink plenty of water %26 flat lemonade. The flat lemo should stop your pineapple craving, which is probably because your body wants energy %26 water.
Once 24 hours is up, and you can keep down the water, eat dry toast, and anything plain (not rich) in small amounts
Hope you feel better soon
Its best just to drink lots of cooled boiled water but if you have to eat dried toast i know its not appetising but you don't want to aggravate your tummy
Try slightly burnt dry toast. I dont know why but it works.
absolutley nothing, if you eat within 24 hours of throwing up then you will more than likely throw up again, wait 24 hours if you feel a bit better then eat scrambled egg or some toast.

Ive bought some zopiclone on the internet normaly they come as inovaine and are white this time they have come

as hypnor and with zopiclone in brackets they are yellow 7.5mg are these zopiclone
no zopiclone 7.5mg are white i have been getting them from my dr for 4 years now and they have allways been small white tablet you should never buy any tablets or medication on the internet because you never now what it really is it could be anything
There is no way I would trust any drugs bought through the internet ! Verify your source if you do !
yes, should be zopiclone. may i ask where you bought them from online?
Hypnor is a brand name for Zopiclone. It is illegal to sell this on the Internet without a doctors prescription.This of course means it is also an addictive hypnotic producing measurable habituation and disruption of the normal sleep mechanism after being used for 3 consecutive nights.

Ideally pop it in the bin. If you are already hooked go see your GP to discuss gradual withdrawal. If you have not yet taken any be thankful!

I note from an earlier answer that poor Karen h has been taking them for 4 years. This is very unfortunate and definitely undesirable. All good GPs are aware that the data sheet, (drug company's instructions) suggest this drug is only suitable for use for a maximum of 4 WEEKS! This information is usually in the insert in each pack.

I've been purging for the past year........?

i've been purging for the past year and yestarday was the first time i couldn't purge what i ate instead i vomited blood what is going on?
You have an eating disorder, bulimia, and should seek a couselor and a physician immediately

What is probably happening is that you have aggravated the lining of your esophagus by all the bile that you have been purging out. This can lead to more blood vomiting and a hole in your esophagus which is bad, really bad.

It is unnatural to throw up, that is why it is normally so hard to do. When do you throw up your body has to repair whatever the bile touched since it is once of the most caustic and dangerous liquids in your body.

Try not purging. The more you purge the more your body will break apart from the top down. You can die from bulimia, and if you continue down this path, you probably will.

Eat regularly, don't purge, eat healthy foods in small portions and you will be better than you have been over the last year.
i have that problem but im scared to go to my parents and ummm i havent puked blood yet... but my chest always aches and my throat always hurts and i have bruises on the back of my hand
but go to the doctor
thats really bad
probably a stomach ulcer, or a rupture in your esophagus which might be serious, so you should see a doc.
Yeah, you probably ripped your esophagus. Unfortunately, this is common in bulemics. You've done this to yourself and unless you want to risk serious complications, see a doc.

I've been having this headache and dizziness for like a week now?

Why I mean it's not bad it's just uncoftable to feel this way...i've been under a lot of stress do you think that can be the cause of this???
You might want to find a good local chiropractor and get an appointment to see if that helps any.
This does not sound good. My mother had weekly migrane headaches for over 20 years as did her mom and my brother. They took care of it in two weeks with Reliv. You can call (904) 386-7763 and talk to Beth about this stuff... It's totally amazing!
You can call for free if you have Verizon Wireless.

I've been getting a static shock more and more frequently lately...(like 20 times a day). Any ideas why?

This has happened more and more, and I even get shocked from plastic objects, basketballs, just about anything. I also shock people when I touch them. Is there some sort of medical condition that causes this? I'm starting to get nervous...
Dry, warm air (indoors) makes excellent conditions for static charges. You could get a humidifier to increase the humidity. A great way to un-charge yourself is to touch one of the screw heads on a mains/electrical switch. I use my elbow to do this, and it does not hurt. Also, holding a coin or some other metal object when you go to touch something that normally gives you a shock will help protect you from pain (but not people or animals you might be touching).
the air is dry. thats all it is, you scuff your feet and dont pick them up enough when you walk. wear rubber soled shoes, look on the label, it must be real rubber.
nope, no problem with health, im guessing the weather is cold there at your place, it happens to me too ALOT! has something to do with cold air + electric charge in the air or something ....
use conditioner in your hair and downy for your clothes. you live somewhere that has little humidity.
I get that a lot too and I'm not sure why. It usually happens on the car or when touching people. I think it's because we have magnetic personalities, ha ha. No, really I guess it's from dry air in your house. I think it helps to get a humidifier.
How much water are you getting? What type of clothing are you wearing?
You will have some success with speaking with the professionals on ESD (Electro-Static Discharge)...I used to have the problem really badly getting in and out of vehicles, I just bought an ESD grounding strap for the car, problem solved.

Ive been getting a sharp pain and tightening in my chest and shortage of breath. Whats wrong?

It could be any number of things from severe indigestion to panic attacks to heart problems. Do the safe thing. Go to the ER. If you won't do that, at least see your doctor ASAP.
Without examining you know one on here can have a clue what is going on. Chest pain and shortness of breath is something you need to get checked out by a doctor.
someone i know was experiencing similar syptoms and it was panic attacks and he got zoloft for anxiety.
Perhaps it's a "stitch" in your side (caused by physical exertion combined with dehydration), but it could possibly be a cardiac issue, especially if you've got pain or tingling on your left side. I wouldn't screw around with it too much before seeing a professional....go see a doc!
GO TO THE DR!!!! NOW!!!!!
Review the sign and symptoms in the link and go to the ER or dial 911 as appropriate. Good luck.
you might have had a Minny heart attack or having one own. you need to get checked out at A%26E if it gets worst.
It could be so many things, when in doubt go to the ER. Better safe than sorry. Please take care.
I would go to the ER. It could be nothing, it could be a heart attack, who knows. You had better get it checked out. If it is your heart, it could be getting irreversible damage. I would not mess around with this.
Even a doctor couldn't diagnose online from distance. He or she would urgently ask you to see a doctor or go to the emergencly room. Do you have a walk-in clinic nearby? Don't ignore this, for goodness sake. It might be might be something. You've got to have a health professional check you out.
Don't have your medical history, age and such so it's hard to say could be something like the others have stated. Please have it checked out if it persists. Don't want to scare you or anything. My boyfriend had the same problem. It was misdiagnosed several times and he ended up having a heart attack. Being so young, its the last thing anyone expected. He had 100%, 80% blockage in two of his valves.Genetics,hypertension terrible diet, over working in extreme heat, and smoking, all played a part in nearly killing him. Please see a doctor if the condition persists. He put it off for two years, nearly died, and now takes 5 meds a day in order to live. Needless to say, he has cleaned up his act. Good Luck. Peace2U
They are classic symptoms of a feart attack. it may be something else but why 911.

Ive been feeling tierd lately what do i do to snap out of it?

Sleep the required amount of time, anywhere from 6-8 hours I would suggest. Also, being inactive will make you sleepy, so stay active. Some people think that over sleeping will help them overcome their fatigue but on the contrary it will only make it worse. Eating healthy is also very important. Maybe get a One-a-day energy boost, see where that takes you.
if you go to bed at the same time each night this will help
see a Dr to see if there is a health problem causing the tiredness
try drinking an herbal tea before bedtime too
I believe this is stress related. Have a warm bath and make sure no light is getting into the bedroom as you sleep later. You need total darkness to have a proper night sleep. If you are worried about anything, let those worries drift up out of you in the steam from the bath.

I've been dizzy lately, what's wrong with me?!?

I'm an average 23 year old male, 6 feet tall 200lbs.
For the past 2 weeks or so I've been having inbalances and get dizzy out of the blue. It happens also with my eyes closed while I turn in bed at night... Anyone know what could be wrong? I'm a snowboarder, will this affect my riding?
You probably have an inner ear infection. This can be treated with antibiotics from the doctor. They can also giv eyou some medicine to help decrease the dizzy spells. There is also another term for it....cant get it out.....they do some physical therapy and then you recover well. Check with your doctor. You might not want to snowboard until you arent dizzy, you dont want a bad injury.
Could be an ear infection, high blood pressure or even lack of sleep.

Go to your Doctor!
It could be stress related. But I've been told that it's because of a lack of sugar in your body. It's not permanent, and it usually goes away on it's own. So try eating more healthier foods. And I wouldn't snowboard if I were you...not yet anyways. Wait until you get better.

Hope that helps!
jeez louise,aint monica a sweetie. im going with the ear thing. i think the med cond that whatchamacallit was talking abt is "vertigo".

I've been burping a lot! why?

I've been burping a lot lately, sometimes 8 in like 15 mins. I don't drink a lot of soda, actually only like once every 2 weeks or so. Even when i drink water I start getting all burpy afterwards. I never could burp when i was younger and just recently (junior in college) began to burp and know what a burp is. Am i eating something that is causing it? or am i drinking wrong? what is causing me to burp sooooooooooo much lately after anything I eat or drink.
Do you gulp when you eat or drink? Swallowing air is a very good way to burp; taking it slow so you don't swallow more than is actually in your mouth could help.
your hinny is clogged up, so its coming outta your mouth
Slow down! Your question sounds frenzied so your eating style is probably like that too. Maybe college life is stressing you out. Find a way to relax: go the gym, go jogging, try yoga, or anything like that.
Swallowing air.
It's natural. RELAX
Burps are harmless and are swallowed air coming back up. Don't worry about it. Burp and be happy.
It's not a burp,it's a vote!!!

Its hurting me!?

day before yesterday,my right eye started yesterday,the condition was getting its eye is swolln to such an extent that it appears to be closed.the reason is that,there is a small boil inside the paining very much.i am not able to bear exams are going on.please suggest an effective remedy.thankyou.
i think i know what it is. is it kind of where your bottom eye lid is? if so just put a hot tea bag on it.. thats what i did it seemed to work for me..
You need to see an eye doc or regular doc right away and get this checked. Sounds like you have an infection so see a doc ASAP.
get to the ER. this is serious and you could lose your vision. have someone drive you.
sounds like you have a sty or pink eye, you can get medicine at walmart for both, just talk to the pharmacist, sorry and good luck
I say if its hurting so much you cant stand the pain i suggest you go to the ER. That's the only best way to take care of it, let a doctor give you some antibiotics that will help with the pain. I hope you feel better soon
Go to the student health services or to an urgent care first thing in the morning. In the meantime, hold a warm compress on your eye 4 times a day, and take ibuprofen or tylenol for the pain. You risk a corneal abrasion or spreading infection if you don't have it checked out. Don't put it off.
It sounds like a sty. Those things hurt really badly. I had one not too long ago but it was a small one. It went away on it's own. But if your eye is swollen shut you need to go to the doctor.
eye doctor or hospital ASAP!!
something this serious will get you out of exams.
you might lose your vision.
i doubt something with aspirin nor eye drops would help it.
use warm towels to draw it ( I did it-- but if you are afraid don't) and bust it, immediately put neosporin or some kind of triple antibiotic ointment on the sore, eye lid, around the eye. wash your hands very good.
You should go and see a doctor as soon as possible before the boil gets any worse to get advice and possibly a remedy.

Its a type of medicial person about bones?

The medical specialty is 'orthopaedics'......they are called 'orthopods'......a branch of medicine
That would be an osteopath.
A bone Dr is an Orthopedic Surgeon

It's 3:30 AM, anyone else out there who can't sleep?

Indeed. Except, it is 4:30 here. :)
Yes, I can. Asshole.
Nope, I just woke up and the sleep was soooo awesome. I feel like I could takle the whole world because it was SUCH a great sleep. It was probably the BEST sleep anyone has ever slept. It was terrific, the sleep I had.
3:45 AM,been up since 11:45
It's 4:00 am and have too be up at 5:00 am. Haven't been too sleep yet either. Struggling with insomnia for years...nothing works either!

It safe to give cats evening primrose oil, and what are the effects?

Evening primrose oil is a good supplement for cats that suffer from any of the following:

* Allergy-based conditions, such as flea allergy dermatitis
* General itching, licking and scratching
* Greasy Skin
* Poor coat and skin
* Hair loss, dull coat and matting
* Dry and flaky skin
* Thickened or pigmented skin
* Excessive moulting
I guess I'm confused; why do you want to give your cats something when you don't know what it does?

Yes, safe, but please view the accompanying information above.
I don't know the answer to that, but surely your cat doesn't have PMS? I would ask a professional just to be safe. With the size of a cat compared to human you have to be very careful. Hope your cat is better soon.
Why would you even think of doing that?

Evening Primrose Oil is a herbal remedy recommended for HUMANS and may help in decreasing the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and by decreasing the risk of blood clots, or for controlling symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, to reduce breast pain, to decrease symptoms of cystic breast disease, and for skin conditions.

I'm somehow guessing your cat is unlikely to be suffering from any of these, and even if it is, I very much doubt the use of EPO has been tested on felines. Side effects for humans include Indigestion, nausea, soft stools, or headaches. In very rare cases it can also trigger schizophrenia.

In cats it could be much worse. Just feed your cat ordinary cat food like anyone else and if its ill, take it to a vet. Don't feed it stuff as an experiment, that's just cruel.

It is said that the BRAIN burns the most calories consumed by the body..?

How do we burn maximum calories by brain?
I would imagine that the way to burn the most calories for ANY organ is to use it! Excersize your mind by reading, doing puzzles, or anything else you enjoy.
I don't know where you got your information from but the brain does not burn any calories as far as I know.
It is your body that burns calories through exercise.

Isn't it embarrassing to have an asthma attack in public??

yea its very embarrassing..everybody acts as if theuy have to look......
Not to me. When I have an asthma attack, embarrassment is the last thing on my mind. Another reason that you should always use all of your asthma meds as directed and always carry a rescue inhaler and if it still doesn't relieve symptoms go to the ER.
I don't think so, but its saddening that people around a person having an astham attack don't know what to do.

I once saw a lady have an attack in a bus, luckily there was a nurse around and did the right thing.
If I'm having an asthma attack in public, the last thing I'm thinking about is being embarrassed!
Heck yeah! I've actually had that happen a few times. I'm at this lady's house who has cats, which I'm extremely allergic to. By the time I leave her house I'm all wheezing and can barely breath. I get on the bus and although it was cold as heck, I had the window all open, trying to get some air. People were lookin' at me all crazy with my red eyes and my head nearly out the window, trying to remain calm while I felt like my lungs were gonna collapse. I remember the guy in front of me kept asking me if I was alright, cause he could hear me wheezing. So embarrassing! He was a cutie too.
HA. I wish I had time to think of embarrassment. For gods sake you cannot breathe. That is so not embarrassing. I have the best of friends who watch out for me, and take care of me if it ever happens. People care, they don't laugh.

And I'm in highschool, the most vulnerable point in life.

Is your brain more active when slepping than when being awake?

while that depends....your brain needs to rest it depends on what stage of sleep you are in....when you are in your light stages of sleep you brain and body are not very active they are resting....when you are in deep sleep your brain is not active but your body is active by repairing cells and making fluids and everything you body needs...deep sleep is where you body gets ready for the next day, but you brains is still resting. Now when you go into your REM sleep your brain is very active. Rem sleep is where your brains does everything it needs to do to get ready for the next day. So it all depends on what stage of sleep you are in, to say if you brain is more active or not. I hope this helps?
yes your brain and body are working harder when you are sleeping, thats why you burn calories while you sleep.

Is yawning a reflex?

I've always noticed that people yawn after they see somebody else yawn. So I thought it might be a reflex. What do you think?
Hahaha, I yawned just thinking about your question.

But yes, yawning is a relfex as well as a non-verbal message. Yawning is a way to get rid of excess cardon dioxide in the body and bring in more oxygen. Some say its also linked to being bored and tired. But since many Olympic athletes yawn before they compete, its not always being bored and tired.

Yawning also it a good way of stretching and relaxing the muscles in your jaw and back of the head and neck. I learned that in Yoga. =P

Why yawning is contagious is still somewhat unknown. Some say it lies with the "mirror neurons" in the brain that react when exposed to a stimulant.
i read in a book that yawning releases pressure in your head.
i'm not sure why you yawn when you see someone else yawn though.
Okay. That was weird. I yawned after I read that. Maybe it is a reflex. Just thinking about yawning makes me want to yawn.
Yes, it is a reflex.

Is white tea really an aphrodisiac?

I heard that it was....
I don't think so..but it is an excellent antioxidant :) so enjoy!
Don't believe everything you hear !!!

Is this woman crazy?

I was watching this show and this family believed it was good to eat raw meat and eggs and not disinfect bacteria because they didn't want to kill the good so they never cleaned and didn't use anything that would kill bacteria and they didn't drink water because they said it was a solvent and that it dehydrated you they said this helped them can this be true or are theese peeps just brainwashed and CRAZY
They are advocating an unwise position.
they are totally insane
I have heard of people who eat raw steak and they haven't gotten sick because they do it all the time. My grandma says they didn't refrigerate their eggs back in the day because they didn't have refrigerators. And there are people who drink raw eggs for protein. Personally, I find both gross but I believe it can be done.
Raw meat can contain E-Coli bacteria and while this is a normal bacteria found in our own intestines it can be deadly if ingested as part of meat. Also eggs and poultry can contain Salmonella bacteria, they are playing their own version of Russian Roulette and it is only time until they reach the chamber with the bullet in it.
If they're alive and healthy, then it works for them.

We eat raw meat and raw eggs in my country (Poland). The Japanese eat raw fish all the time. As for not drinking water- I know plenty of Frenchmen who've never done that (what's the point if you have table wine handy ;-))

If you think it bad, then don't ask about Chinese and Korean food. Definetly NOT something you want to know.
how is this woman look. they say that you are what you eat.....
Is this in an insane asylum?
Sounds like it...
What did people do before they invented fire. They ate raw stuff.
In the bible they talk of drinking wine. The water wasn't clean.
People get used to a lot of things. Some people get ecoli because they don't have an immunity to it. They aren't crazy. They may be just yanking your chain too.
I know I watch that show too!Wife Swap.I wouldn't judge her family just how they are,there are MANY other things to judge the family by.I wouldn't call her crazy,I call her an individual.She loves the food that eats and if that helps her health,then GREAT it's her story to write about.And she isn't Crazy!I hate it when people call other people Crazy and outer judging names.If they don't use Lysol,who cares??You have some problems.If you have something to say,e-mail me at
yes, that woman is KWAZY!!!!!...i think that family is just doing that to get peoples attention. oh, and not only that they're KWAZY, they're nasty and sick!!!!! lemme know what they

Is this true??

If you put someones hand in a container of cold water while they are sleeping, they wet the bed?? Is this true or is it just made up?
yes. I did it to my brother whilst he had a friend to sleep over.
It's with warm water and yes it's true. And also it has to be their non-dominant hand.
It is true.
it is warm water and yes it is true.
I think it's warm water, but I have also heard that you are supposed to put one hand in cold water and the other hand in hot. There are a few ways to do it, I guess.
for it to work it has to be luke warm water but yeah it works
Your Mom lol
actually, no.
it is warm water.
but, not just any warm water.
it must be between 75-96 degrees farenheit.
andything colder will have no effect, and anything higher will wake most people up.If you want some elaboration on this, just email me and let me know.
its warm water and it dos my teacher did it to one of the student long time ago he all-ways felt asleep in class so he had it coming
warm water works best, as it takes people back to memories of the womb. Does it work yes some times, but if a mate is so pissed that he doesn't wake when you put his hand in the water, their is a good chance he will piss the bed any way.

better one is if they are really pissed put a banana in their under wear when they have passed out and mush it up, lovely sticky brown mess by the time they wake up..........
Its lukewarm water and it does work
warm water and yes, i have pulled this stunt many times.
oh its true it happened to me at a sleep over! lol
I've heard that before. To be honest they'll probably wake up first cos of the shock of their hand going into cold water. Also it depends whether that person had a drink before they went to bed and so on.
Its just made up. By the way how did this become a serious health question???

Is this some sort of mental illness or just a bad habit?

I go through long periods where I am emotionally blank. I don鈥檛 want to speak to anyone, do anything and am indifferent to everything around me. If I鈥檓 put in a situation where I am forced to be social I pretty much snap. I鈥檓 rude and generally rather unpleasant to be around and its not something I can control. I鈥檓 fine/indifferent one moment then the next I鈥檓 miserable as hell. Its starting to get worse again and whist I haven鈥檛 started hurting myself (this includes anything that wont leave visible evidence)I know it will end up at that. I know my boyfriend of 4 years hates it and its not fair for him to deal with it. So I want to try and sort it out but I have no clue what the problem is. I don鈥檛 really know if there is a problem. I鈥檝e always been like this. No one on here can tell me what鈥檚 my problem is but Does it sound like I have a problem to you? If so what? I just want to have something to say to my doctor if I go rather than 鈥渉ey doc! people think I'm a bit of a loose cannon"
Hi. I work for the State of Georgia for Mental Health Illnesses I teach and counsel persons with these illnesses. as well as other topics of programming. From reading your email if you will, allow me, it sounds as though you have a mental illness called schizoaffective and/or schizophrenia and maybe even Bipolar Disorders. Now, don't get alarmed it does not mean you are crazy,these are sicknesses in the brain just as the body gets a cold or the flu.It is a brain malfunction in the neurontransmitters and you are feeling the effects from it at early stages.When I read that you have emotional blankness, and want to be left alone, that is one of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and a symptom of Schzioaffective. The depression and being miserable and on a mood swing sounds like bipolar. The good news is that you recoqnize the changes in yourself and what is going on with you and your family members probably do to. And there are medications that you can take which are antipsychotic and antidepressants that help put back that mechanisim that is missing your brain and you can continue to live a normal life. Depakote is one that will help you. By all means go to your Dr or Psychiatrist and get help early because this illness does progress to it's worse if you do not get a grip on it first ,and you call the shots with it just as you do when you have a cold. Be strong and don't panic. God is with you. Oh if the Dr prescribes you the meds and you have side effects don;t get a larmed at first, tell the Dr everything and he will work with you until you get the right one or ones. Plus the med have to work it;s way into your system.Watch if the meds zombie you out you do have control over what you take and how you need to feel. Please feel free too email me your outcome. I am praying for you.Oh go to the Internet and look up all these mental illnesses and their symptoms.
yes, you are either depressed or have a general anxiety disorder. Going on an anti-depressant did wonders for me. Just tell your doctor exactly what you have said here. Good luck!
I didn't read all that, but it sounds like you are bi-polar. You need to join a club or get a hobby or something. Maybe see someone about that too. I only think you need stress free activities like yoga or meditation.
Must be some personality disorder since you stated you've always been like that, there are several kinds so ask your doctor about it.
Mental Illness for sure. Get yourself a psychiatrist dear.
depression is not exclusivly catorgarised as being down in the dumps. feelings can include feeling isolated from people( not interested) lack of motivation, problems eating or sleeping. any emotions that you are feeling that make you feel like hurting yourself should be a sign for you to go see someone.
you could go to your doctor and explain how you are feeling, they may prescibe anti depressants which will eleviate the emotional side pretty quickly. however it is probably best if you go and seek some counselling to try and resolve the issues and why they are there. your doctor may recommend counselling and antidepressants or either one.
i would strongly recommend seeking counselling. if you take antidepressants only and do not deal with the problems you may be setting yourself up for dependancy.
hope this has helped. good luck.
It could be anxiety or bi-polar disorder, depression or you just might go thru phazes. It's hard to say without knowing you. But I would be very careful if you decide to try any kind of drugs for treatment. Look into holistic medicine, it's better for your body and overall health without the VERY DAMAGING side effects of prescriptions.
i've been there, definately go to the doctor, the meds will help alot. but you need to figure out what the underlying problem is. I made some life changes and haven't had the problem since, you should try to do that as well. It might also be caused by things you don't recognize, i havent had that problem since my wife left me.. hate to say it, but the relationship had something to do with it.

Is this really true?

People say that if you put baby oil on your skin and then go out to tan, you burn really bad but then it turns into a really good tan?? Does this sound right? Please give me some feedback:)
Dont do does cause you to burn.....which causes skin dad has skin cancers took off his body and face all the time and believe is not worth it to get a tan using a method like that. Do it the safe way!
No you just burn really bad and put yourself at risk for skin cancer and premature ageing. Use sunscreen and if you must tan, do it sensibly.

Is this possible me and my boyfriend went out to eat today around1:30pm?

at about 6:30 pm we feel sick to our stomach,if it was from a restraunt wouldnt we have got sick sooner?
no, it takes a while for the food to get broken down
Food borne illness usually takes 24 hours.

Is This Normal?

When i use my laptop in the morning, especially after just waking up i get a headache. Is it because i use it too early, as when i don't use it in the morning, just in the afternoon or evening i don't usually get a headache? Just wondering why and if anyone else experiences the same? For example this morning i was probably on/off the laptop for 2 hours. Thanks.
Everyone is different, what works for some may not work for others. You might want to try taking breaks from the computer more often, its actually recommended that you sit in front of a monitor for no more than 30 minutes at a time.....Also when was the last time you had your eyes examined? If you never have, its time to get them checked, because frequent headaches could be caused by poor eye sight, causing the eyes to strain......
Prolly its a sign that your eyes are gonna get a degree. Better take some rest.
It could be your eyes!

Do you feel like you strain your eyes or squinting, I get headache in the morning but it鈥檚 the way I sleep and how my pillow is position under my head, if it鈥檚 all under the base of my head and neck I will get a slight headache.

Hope this helps! :)
What is normal I would not worry unless the headaches get steadily worse and are there even when not on the Lap Top.

Is this normal?

i think i have a sinus infection but today while in the shower i was doing what we call here a farmers blow that where u hold one nostril down and blow out the other one. a big chunk flew out but it wasn't like most mucus i have seen. it was harder than normal but not hard as a rock it felt like i had a piece of squid in my hand and it it wasn't bloody all except a Lil piece on it. my nose did bleed for a few seconds after but then started running which it hasn't done at all up until now. is this norm and has any body else had this happen before?
Yeah I have had the ole famrer's blow squid chunk in my hand. If you still find problems you might need an antibiotic though bud--have a good one. :)
ugh ask a doctor, gross
sounds ok itsa happened to me before
Ewww, sounds gross but I do know what you mean! Check to see how your sinuses do in the next day or so. It might be worth visiting your Doc for some antibiotics though.
i think u r just imagining things
Way too much information.
oooooofphhh, just had the creeps, but my answer is no, but i does seem normal, go to a doctor just in case.
yes its normal but i havent had it happen to me.
Try blowing your nose more often so it doesn't build up.
Arrr! You found me gold!
that is funny my hubby just told me that sometimes when he blows his nose it comes out of his eyes a little ...disgustin

Is this normal?

when i was younger i used to love going in the water at the beach
now at 15 i dont like going in the water any more and if i do i stay at the shallow end and wont jump off the docks and stuff id just rather sit in the sun or play in the snd w/ the little kids. Is there something wrong?
If it's not normal then I am not normal, since I was the same way at your age. But now I love going in to the water as I did as a child. So I wouldn't let it bother you, it's just a phase your going through.
no there is nothing wrong. did u wait a long time before swimming agian? maybe u almost drowned or something and dont remember, but feel cautious.totaly normal. you can work on getting back out there if thats a want of yours.
I believe what you are experiencing is called maturing. You now see possible danger whereas before you only saw fun. Do what you enjoy besides playing in the sand with the little kids is a great way to enjoy a day at the water.
no totally natural

this can happen through
or just your scared of drowning

if your think its bigger then this, talk to it about your parents

Is this normal for eyes to do? What could it be?

My eyes are doing this weird thing. Ok, so they like cross really quick for like 2 seconds, on their own, and then go back to normal. IDK if cross is exactly right, but that's the best way I know how to explain it. This used to happen when I was little a lot, but then it only did it a little every so often. But tonight, for some reason, it keeps doing it, and I'm a little worried.

Any ideas what could be going on? Does this happen to anyone out there?
you should get your eyes checked out!it might be never dont want to end being crossed eyed!..good luck!
I agree get your eyes checked out it might be you need glasses or it might be more serious Good luck

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is this I.Q bad?

No that's not bad at all. There are so many I.Q. test out there %26 there all different. A 105 indicates that your a smart person, above average. Hope this helped U.
no. and u shouldn't worry cuz every1's smart

Is this I.Q bad?

Is this I.Q bad?

plz answer
its average. 100 is average and anything over i think like 120 is genius. and 90 is bad.
nah its about average i think
no, average
That's high average.
Not at all
average 2.5 -3 gpa or so
nope thats very good you should be proud
i think 100 is average and below that your dumb, below 70 your stupid the retarted. Didnt pay attention to the rest but i have an I,Q of 150 :) yay
I dont know the rating for iq but you can look them up on the net.
105 sounds ok to me.
130+ Very superior 2.2% of the population
120-129 Superior 6.7% of the population
110-119 High average 16.1% of the population
90-109 Average 50% of the population
80-89 Low average 16.1% of the population
70-79 Borderline 6.7% of the population
Below 70 Extremely low 2.2% of the population
Your IQ is only a basis of the information you store. I have known people with high IQ's that I have little respect for because they act like Jack As#@es. Then I have known those who's IQ's are probably around 75 and I would give them my left arm to help them out. You may have heard the phrase, act your age, not your IQ! You may be 20 with an IQ of 105, but if you do not use common sense, use the knowledge you have learned in life; its better than the books.
Not at all! 105 is in the range of average intelligence.
assuming that you are at your full intelegence level, it is average
That's about average.

Is this going to be a problem?

today i get so dizzy after looking at this person had blood draw out of his arm this happen to me when i had my own blood draw out , i start feeling very dizzy,sometimes i can't see anything and i start to sweat and become cold.....i really want to become a docter will this be a problem and how can i help this
It could well prevent you from being a doctor if you cannot come to terms with it. Perhaps try some hypnotherapy to help you
Don't worry. You'lll get over it, I did. just try not to think about it. When you are a doc, you'll have plenty of other stuff to think about while you're actually working.

Is this Frostbite?

Frostbite is an injury resulting from freezing of the tissues in the body. The hands and feet are most commonly affected by frostbite, but ears may also be affected by frostbite.
The areas of the body affected by frostbite feel cold and firm. Burning, tingling, stinging, or numbing sensations may be present.When the affected body part is rewarmed, a throbbing or burning pain may result. Frostbite, like burns, is classified according to the degree of tissue injury. Minor injuries result in swelling, redness, loss of sensation, and white plaques on the skin. More severe lesions have blisters that may become filled with blood.
You can treat with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen if it is minor or if you are concerned see your doctor. In mild cases, full recovery can be expected with early treatment. Severe cases of frostbite can result in infection, or gangrene.
Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Frostbite
Is it frostbite?
Is there any permanent damage?
What treatment is necessary?

Prevention of Frostbite
Since you have had an injury to your skin on your ear previously, you are more susceptible to burns and frostbite, as you have new tender skin tissue. Before going outside in extremely cold temperature, apply skin moisturizer to the face, hands, and any other body part that may be exposed to the cold. Dress warmly, wear dry clothing, and stay out of the wind. Wear a face mask for extra protection, and ear protection. Wear heavy mittens instead of gloves in freezing cold weather. When the fingers are together in a mitten, their collective body heat keeps the hand warm.
It is -6 here today, -19 with wind chill factored in. Brrr......cover up this winter, and remember to protect your ears in the summer too with sunscreen. Hope your on the mend soon!
Yes is sounds like mild frost bite. I would have a Dr. look at it to determine the severity.

Is this bad?

every time i swallow my left ear cracks.
Doesnt sound good lets do a quick analysis

How long has this been happening?

Does this seem to effect your hearing?

Does this cause pain to the ear?

Regardless of whether you said yes or no I dont think its an immediate problem but next time your at the doctor which would be better soon then later mention this. Try to reach a doctor at mininimum within the next 3 months if not sooner.

In the meantime you can do something. Turn on some music on the radio and stand directly in front of the radio (better if its a stereo then single speaker radio) cover one ear with your hand notice how loud you hear the radio from that ear now do that with the other ear. It should be the same from both.

Of course its just best to see a doctor They will most likely be knowledgable on knowing what the cause may be.

Is this a safe web site?

I bought propecia from this web site :

is it a scam or its safe?
Isn't that the site where the chemical in the pills burn all your hair off permanently?
Don't know. When in doubt use caution.
for your sake i hope its not a scam... u shoulda asked b4 u actually baught it lol
its safe
It is legit as far as safely taking your mney, but any hair restoration product that actuallworked would be a household name in a week. I never heard of this stuff.
Most hair grow products are scams playing off of your hope.
I think U got ripped off!

I checked out a couple of other sites which had much better prices.

Your site offered 90 pills 1mg @ for $99

This one gives you the same amt for the same price only with 5mg in each pill.

Is this a panic attack?

Everytime I get i'm my car, I have butterflies in my stomach. And an ambulance drove past me with sirens and lights blazing.And my stomach turned, I had goosebumps on my arms, and the hairs stood on end. I'm at home now and feel shaky and sick.
What is this?
This almost certainly sounds like an anxiety/ panic attack. In other cases, people experience a feeling of breathlesness and feel as they are going to 'die' of a heart attack. Traumatic experiences can trigger panic attacks so it is important to try and get to the root of the problem. Does this only happen when you get into your car? Was it the sound on an ambulance that triggered the response? I think some form of therapy could go some way to helping you work this out such as counselling or reiki. Book in to see someone at your local alternative health centre or if this doesnt work, perhaps see your GP and they will help control this with the aid of medication for anxiety and depression.
anxiety attack.. similar but not as bad
just think posotive and breathe properly you will be fine
Sounds like anxiety, u need to relax, take deep breathes thru
stomach and sing a christian tune in your head when this happens.
Could just be an evil force in the wind messin with ya.
I would say anxiety neurosis. And would suggest you a simple remedy, Rescue Remedy, a Bach Flower Essence availble with most health food stores.
You need to relax and not be so tense when you are going to drive. being overly tense can cause you to make mistakes in your driving judgment. Were you in an accident Lately? this can cause panic attack or make you more nervous. I know cause I have been there. It is a horrible feeling but you need to come to terms if you are going to be a good defensive driver.
Sounds like very bad anxiety. That's unpleasant, but I've had full blown panic attacks and I can honestly say that you would be unlikely to be able to drive at all if you'd had one. But maybe you are having them, everybody is different.

I felt like I had died and was empty and numb and unable to cope with anything at all. Even just sitting still feels like a mental strain with my mind racing over and over, out of control.

See your doctor and good luck to you.
I've had panic attacks for years. You know whenb you have one because you feel like you can't breath and you have to force yourself to. I think it was like when you're driving and you see a police car. Even though your not speeding you get these knots in your tummy. You'll know if you get an attack . I pray you will never get them.
I personally wouldn't call it a panic attack Try WebMD

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