Saturday, October 31, 2009

I've had cold-like symtoms for almost 8 weeks?

I had a cold around 8 weeks ago, and it went after 3 or 4 days, but since then every few days I get a stuffy nose, and sore throat. My voice is permenantly husky, and I have a cough. I don't want to bother my doctor for a simple cold, but am starting to get concerned that I'm still suffering from terrible headaches and lethargy.
Could this be the cold still in my system? And if so, how do I get rid of it??
A cold will only last a matter of days. Your recurring fluctuating symptoms suggest you may be getting a rapid series of new infections. This may be because the first infection buffeted your immune system so that it is now under par. Unfortunately there is little you can do to improve this. If you are eating normally for example, vitamins will not help.

Because you have been unwell for 8 weeks, if you presented to me I would arrange some blood screening to ensure there was no remediable cause, a cough for 8 weeks might also justify a chest x-ray.
(FBC U+E LFTs TFTs ESR CRP FBS and immunoglobulin electrophoresis). I might suggest you try this to be safe.
goto the doctors, a normal cold shouldnt last that long!

ive got a runny nose today and can't stop sneezing! if i got it from you, ill find ya! :P
see a doctor any advise on here is dangerous and pointless well except mine that is
Hey you need to go to the doctors u have the flu, i had the exact same thing, he will give you amoxicillin (antibiotics) and they work like a charm. I was alright the next day.
sounds more like you are allergic to something in your environment. go see your doctor.
Yes, you must go to the doc and get this sorted - a cough which lasts eight weeks is more than a 'simple cold'. Do it on Monday! Don't forget!
yeah see a doctor, cant be a cold for that long, i had something similar and left it and it turned into a chest infection and i had to get antibiotics. also i find i get flu like symptions when i get run down or not enough sleep, and a good nites rest usually helps
If you don't have or haven't had any fever, I would be inclined to think it is either a chest infection or an allergy. An allergy can make you feel drained too as your system tries to fight the irritation. Wash your pillows, curtains and matress cover and consider if you've changed detergents etc. lately.
Central heating ducts can get full of dust and animal hair etc. and cause terrible allergies. I spent one winter thinking I had a cold until the dr. suggested we clean out the ducts...problem solved.
Do see a doctor and find out what's really wrong.
Definitely bug your doctor -- that's what they are there for! Sounds like it's either gone into an infection (headache could mean sinus infection) or the cold made your body susceptable for allergic reactions (diminished immune system), and your symptoms are allergy-related. Allergies can mimic a cold very well -- even the fatigue and body aches.

I had the cruddy cold that's been going around last week. I went to the doctor because of the headache and yellow drainage. She prescribed Zithromax, an antibiotic. I couldn't believe how much better I felt in just a few days.
this is been a bad cold and flue season this year. even my doctors whole family had it. her son and my 17 year old both had pnenomia. You can get a cold again right after you got rid of it. And there is a cold that does start with a major headache we have had that one too. You are not bohtering your doctor. you could have a sinius infection, or broncitis or both. even mono from being sick so long you got to run down. Go rule out anything major. And then stay home in bed for a few days and get some rest. If you want to wait till the weekend is over then go get some musenex. I may have spelled that wrong to unstuff your nose. run a vaporizer. with vicks. take nyquil or what ever you usually take for a cold. ge some cough drops. and go to bed. oh and don't forget the gingerale or what ever else you want to drink. but drink a lot.
The cold virus doesn't live for 8 weeks. It may be that you have an allergic reaction to something. If you can detect what might be new or different in that time frame ( ie new kitten?)you could try an over the counter allergy medication or you might want to see your physician as it may be a sinus infection which would require antibiotics.
Sounds like an allergy or possible a sinus infection. Your nose may not run but the drainage from your sinusus are draining down your throat causing a cough, rough voice and sore throat. You need an antibiotic to knock it out see a DR.
sounds like you have a flu - go see your gp - you may have a chest infection

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