Saturday, October 31, 2009

I've been dizzy lately, what's wrong with me?!?

I'm an average 23 year old male, 6 feet tall 200lbs.
For the past 2 weeks or so I've been having inbalances and get dizzy out of the blue. It happens also with my eyes closed while I turn in bed at night... Anyone know what could be wrong? I'm a snowboarder, will this affect my riding?
You probably have an inner ear infection. This can be treated with antibiotics from the doctor. They can also giv eyou some medicine to help decrease the dizzy spells. There is also another term for it....cant get it out.....they do some physical therapy and then you recover well. Check with your doctor. You might not want to snowboard until you arent dizzy, you dont want a bad injury.
Could be an ear infection, high blood pressure or even lack of sleep.

Go to your Doctor!
It could be stress related. But I've been told that it's because of a lack of sugar in your body. It's not permanent, and it usually goes away on it's own. So try eating more healthier foods. And I wouldn't snowboard if I were you...not yet anyways. Wait until you get better.

Hope that helps!
jeez louise,aint monica a sweetie. im going with the ear thing. i think the med cond that whatchamacallit was talking abt is "vertigo".

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