Saturday, October 31, 2009

I've got a tummy bug, what should I eat?

I've got a tummy bug and have been throwing up for two days. I really need to eat something, but all I fancy is tinned pineapples! Is this a good idea? What else can I eat to make me feel better?
Eat something light and soft in texture so it won't tax your stomach, like porridge or oatmeal.
if you have been sick, i'd suggest something light to start with. toast or scrambled egg etc. maybe leave the pineapple til you can manage to keep something down.
I wouldn't eat anything you don't want to throw up. Stay away from acidic things such as tomatoes. Instead try toast or Cheerios or saltine crackers. They're good for soaking up the acid in your tummy and easier to digest. Get well soon! =)
Oh! And your body will need protein to get well so try eating eggs or something else that'll stick to your bones.
Dry biscuits and flat coke is good.
I wouldn't eat pineapple, it is too acidic.
1. Eat nothing until you can keep plain water down without throwing up.

2. Once you can keep water down, move to clear broth soup. No noodles or veggies, just clear broth.

3. If you can keep that down, move on to BRAT: Bananas, Rice, Applesause, or Toast (dry - no toppings). These food items will not upset your stomach in any way.

Once you can keep BRAT down, you are ready to resume light eating of regular foods.
just drink water
Best thing to do would be to try and not eat anything!! but if you think your geting better then try just have some toast or some crackers and see if you keep that down! Also just drink water!
Don't eat anything for 24 hours but drink electrolytic fluids--such as Dyrolite-- then when you do start eating, eat dry toast and chopped up apples until you feel able to try something more substantial like chicken soup.
Eating ice chips will calm your stomach. Then it is usually good to follow the BRAT diet.. Bananas, rice applesauce and toast. This is a diet you follow for diarrhea and vomiting, recommended by doctors. Hope you feel better soon!!
My daughters pediatrician recommends the BRAT diet,
yoghurt or cold water
don't eat anything, this will kill the bug
i would try some toast or dry biscuits
Throwing up for 2 days?!! then the reason you fancy tinned pineapples is becasue you are low in blood sugar and carbohydrate stores.
Carb. stores are where your body stores ant carbs you have eaten so it has stores of energy and can survive in the case of famine- or even just inbetween meals. If you havent eaten your body may now have none left- or at the very least be running low. When it has none left it will crave sugar. This is the fastest way for it to get energy- sugar. and as sweet as possible.

The best thing you can eat is something mild- none acidic, this is so you dont irritate the walls of your stomach which will have no food in it if you have thrown it all up. If you irratate your stomach you will simply just bring up all the food again.
Plian bread-either white or brown is fine- though not with the seeds and grains in as this may be rejected by your stomach, or give it too much work to do digesting. Wter or a LITTLE semi skimmed or skimmed milk (milk can be quite rich) is ok too. Try to steer clear of jam, butter, or chocolate- or fruit, tinned or otherwise, its really acidic and may also feed the bug which is in your system.

If you continue to throw everyhting up, you really should see a doctor, you could be dehydrated for a start, and become very ill very quickly unless you can drink.
Nothing for at least 24 hours. Sip water as often as possible. Start off with some dry toast or a very plain cracker biscuit or two. If tum settled try some mashed potatoes with a little milk used to soften them and not much seasoning. Hope you are better soon.
U should stay on the BRAT diet after you have stopped throwing up. 1st take tablespoons of juice or gingerale every 15 min. until u can hold it down. when U want 2 try eating....BRAT B-bananas-R-rice A-applesauce(good for diareah)T-toast

good luck i hope u feel better soon.
ps pineapple is too acidic right now. stay away from orange juice and such too.
I would suggest not eating anything for at least 24 hours. In the meantime, drink plenty of water %26 flat lemonade. The flat lemo should stop your pineapple craving, which is probably because your body wants energy %26 water.
Once 24 hours is up, and you can keep down the water, eat dry toast, and anything plain (not rich) in small amounts
Hope you feel better soon
Its best just to drink lots of cooled boiled water but if you have to eat dried toast i know its not appetising but you don't want to aggravate your tummy
Try slightly burnt dry toast. I dont know why but it works.
absolutley nothing, if you eat within 24 hours of throwing up then you will more than likely throw up again, wait 24 hours if you feel a bit better then eat scrambled egg or some toast.

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