Saturday, October 31, 2009

I've had this pimple for a week now?

I've had this pimple on the side of my nose for a week now. Its pretty much just a red bump. Not a white head, not a blackhead, just a painless, red bump. I'm honestly thinking of just squeezing it as hard as i can. It shows no signs of going away.
Hey thanks for sharing that with us.
If its painless, it might be an inflamed cyst...

But whatever you do, DO NOT SQUEEZE IT! It only makes it worse short and long term. Wash it daily until it goes away. Try different drying creams like OXY.
Try a warm wet compress. Just soak a washcloth in hot water and hold it against the area while watching TV or something. Keep doing that (rewarming the washcloth as needed) for about an hour or so. You should be much improved by morning.
warm compresses will make it come to a head..wash your face gently 3 or 4 times a day with dove or ivory soap.
use preperation H on the sore will draw it to a head and shrink the swelling.
After this if you wash your face and never touch your face with your hands your acne will go antibiotic can make the infected face heal.
They usually give acne patients 250 mg of amoxil or keflex 1x a day for a month

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